Friday, December 31, 2010

So Long 2010

The last day of 2010 went like this ::
1. Good morning. Let's eat pancake and sausages.
2. Wait. Mummy needs another cup of coffee.
3. Hold on guys. One more cup of coffee here...
4. Just the two of us? Why yes, Hugh. I would love to go on a date with you to your best restaurant. 4. Arlo gets a haircut by our in-house stylist...Daddy. I collapse from cuteness overload.5. Honk-shoo. Honk-shoo. {after root beer date snooze}
6. Play. Play. Play.
7. Let's get gussied up - time for celebration.
8. If you get dressed I will be the happiest Mummy in the whole world.
9. For the love of everything good in us...GET DRESSED!
10. Fine, I'm leaving without you.
11. I'm selling you to the gypsies.
12. Fake knock at the door.
13. The gypsies are here.
14. Dressed.
15. In the car.
16. Eat fancy pizza and drink Shirley temples.
17. Take last family photo of 2010 - Ah, blurry...perfect, that's our signature family photo look. 18. And finally on the last day of 2010, we deliver one big fat kiss to YOU! Happy New Year's Eve. Smooooch!19. Goodnight.
20. So long 2010.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Brotherly Shove Love

Part I
Me? I remember only love and kindness from my older brother. Sure he liked to tease me...but for all who know me...let's face it, I am a teaser's dream come true. So perhaps I withstood a few verbal punches from time to time...but the physical shoving or say sending my bottom tooth through my lip - from my brother, it just didn't happen.

Which brings me to two brothers called Hugh & Arlo. They are a lovely duo. Truly. But as of late, Hugh has taken the pleasure in pushing Arlo down...hard. Hugh's brotherly shove is oddly not a malicious act, more like something created out of boredom...excitement...or curiosity. Whatever the reasoning, I find it desperately unacceptable. It touches on sibling territory unfamiliar to me. And therefore, I find myself at a loss...a complete and utter loss.

Part II
Did I know a tooth could go through a lip? No. In fact when I've heard stories of such an incident, I thought it was an exaggeration. Like, 'Oh yeah, he fell so hard his tooth went through his lip'. In other words, blood...lots of blood.

Yesterday, Hugh performed the classic boredom shove. Arlo fell hard. I scooped him up and noticed immediately his chin folded as a chin should not be. I gently relieved the crease and there with my very own eyes saw the tip of a tiny tooth poking through his...not lip, exactly... the location right between the lip and the chin. Um, I'm pretty sure that area is called the Chip. My first thought was, Wow...a tooth really CAN go through the chip. And then I don't remember exactly the panic thoughts following - perhpas it went something like, 'We need ice. There's a hole. Emergency room. Why? Why? Why the shove? There's a hole. An actual hole. E.R. Blood. Hole. Tooth. Chip'.

A short time later we took a breath, stopped the bleeding and iced the chip.

Part III
Hugh loves Arlo. Arlo loves Hugh. Their brotherly bonding? love? will be an ongoing learning process for me. I suppose my first lesson is to accept the falls as much as I embrace the recoveries. But seriously, can't we all just get along?

Monday, December 27, 2010

That's French for After Christmas

Merry Apres-Christmas!

We just said goodbye to Nana and Grandaddy and I only cried a ton on the inside. To cheer myself up, I ate some cookie dough, four mini-cheesecakes {which brings my grand total to 36 this holiday} and lastly, I decided to dismantle all signs of Christmas. We have had such a good time dancing and jingling to holiday music, touching only the most breakable ornaments on the tree and counting down the days to every one's arrival...but now it's time to embrace the aftermath. Ahh...peace, quiet and time for another mini-cheesecake.

Merry Apres-Christmas - Love, Hugh & Arlo and their Mummy & Daddy. And love from Arlo's shopping cart and phone. And Hugh's bat-cycle and transformers. And the 8 7 remaining mini-cheesecakes.
