Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Aunt Peg Reporting For Duty

Arlo, are you excited?Hugh, are you excited?Hooray! We are so very, very excited (or as Hugh says 'Super Stoked'. I taught him that one when I was going through my I-wish-we-were-a-family-of-surfers phase. Super Stoked hung on...Hang Loose did not.) Yes indeed-y. The most excited we have probably ever, ever been. Yesterday, a wee one came into this world. His name is Max. He has a lot of hair. His Uncle Jamie Daddy is a Super Hero. And he is Hugh & Arlo's real live 7lb 14oz cousin. We love him like a crazy short robe. We want to squeeze him. Don't we boys? We are super stoked.

Confession :: I'm still going through my I-wish-we-were-a-family-of-surfers phase.


Nana said...

Love the robe and jammies. Nana is also super stoked!