Me: Hugh. Do you have any New Year's resolutions? You goals. For instance, I am going with the same goal as last year. My resolution is to make all the beds every morning.
Hugh: Sure I do. My New Year's resssolsooluti...uh, goal, is to sled down really, REALLY fast on the big hill with my eyes closed.
Me: But you already did
Hugh: I know. Aren't I so brave?
We're back at it again...
Happy New Year friends.
Our daily updates have resumed...xo
Thursday, December 31, 2009
What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?
Sunday, December 20, 2009
3rd Sunday
Saturday, December 19, 2009
3rd Saturday in December
Handed down to Hugh a couple of months ago, I foolishly said, "Oh. We'll never need these...Hugh's a more rubber boot/sneaker kind of wearing kid." Never say, never. Behold, the shiny-black-could-be-but-aren't-leather shoes.A requirement for all Violin Christmas Recitals. And perhaps now a requirement for all outfits from here on out. I am in love.
Congratulations to Hugh...the youngest member of the violin 'orchestra'...who proudly stood on the stage for pictures...and comfortably sat in Mummy's lap for the recital. We are quite certain he thought the recital was the photo shoot...because as far as he's concerned, he had a 'wonderful performance'. We couldn't agree more! Well done Hugh.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
8 Months
Dear Arlo,
Happy 8 Months!
The past month you have endured:
One black eye {on my watch, rats!}
One accidental foot stomp on the head {by a certain somebody whose name begins and ends with the same letter...also on my unfair!}
Two ear infections
Multiple days of coughing, sneezing and a little wheezing
Swollen gums from one determined tooth that just can't seem to show its toothy face
And finally, you have endured the song, Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer sung 19,385 times. Oh Arlo, if it were anyone else, they may have buried themselves in a cozy cocoon until unlucky number 7 month had moved on. But not you my dear, you have faced every bumpy-bruised-coughing-drippy-nose day with smiles and determination. And with that, we are watching you almost...nearly very close...take your first crawling strides. It's just around the corner my dear...fingers crossed it's a cushy corner.
We love you Arlo.
Happy 8 Months!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
2nd Saturday in December
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Snow with Colds
Runny Nose :: check
Cough :: check
Fever :: check
Double Ear Infections :: check
Master Manipulator with the Watery Blue Eyes :: checkTypically, we may not allow such a sick child to stand outdoors in the middle of a snowstorm...but someone...we were cleverly coerced into doing so...afterall, it was La-La's debut of his snow-thrower and there were plenty of graders and snowplows to be found!
Welcome snow machines!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Panicky Peg
Every Christmas season, every single solitary one, I somehow feel handmade gifts {handmade by me} are really the way to go. And every Christmas season, every single solitary one, I somehow fail to properly calculate the hours, minutes and seconds in the day said gifts require. When will I learn that it definitely takes more than 30 minutes to make a knitted toy? It takes more than 1 hour to make a hat. And the sewing project sitting upstairs will definitely demand more than one morning while Hugh is away at Nursery School.
So to see that I may properly give my children, my husband and most importantly {sorry children and husband} my Christmas projects the attention they deserve, I will be stepping away from our daily updates for a few days here and there.
Fortunately, I need not worry about our holiday decorating...Miles and Hugh have that one all taken care of...phew! xo
Sunday, December 6, 2009
1st Sunday in December
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
I see the moon, and the moon sees me...
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
4 Seconds
Because Arlo is the second born...the second boy...he is the recipient of most things second. Until today, when I found this brand-new-never-worn-star-studded-stain-free-knitted romper hanging by itself on the store rack screaming, "Arlo! Arlo! Arlo". Without a second thought, I bought it. Upon returning home, I announced, "Arlo has a NEW piece of clothing."
"Fashion Show!", declared Hugh.
And fashion show we did...Ladies and Gents, A Star is Born: xo
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
The Letter
Dear Santa,We would like to apologize about one teensy-tiny oversight in the letter we sent to you today. You see, Mr. Jolly St. Nick...wait-a-minute...don't you look lovely! Is that a new suit you're wearing? My have you lost a little weight? And you're looking so young! Ahhh.
What were we saying? Oh yes, in our efforts to remember all of our 'I wants' list, we failed to record any of the 'I've been goods' portion. We are rather new at writing North Pole notes and in our novice state of mind, we just forgot. We are so sorry...quite sorry indeed.
For some reason, we think you may read this web log from time to time and hope you will accept our sincere apologies...{for reassurance, please refer to the first paragraph...written specifically by Hugh and Arlo's mummy who incidentally has been good and would like 1. knitting books 2. socks 3. mittens 4. kicking horse chai tea latte 5. tessa kiros cookbooks}. So with that, let it be said that Hugh and Arlo have been very good. They are helpful, loving and grateful lads with hearts full of holiday cheer.
Happy December!
Ho Ho Ho
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Apple Bread
We live in a character filled {read: old} house with fresh air flowing through its rooms {read: drafty}. So when the weather becomes frosty we find comfort in our kitchen next to the cooker...which is quite often filled with a baking cake. It all sounds lovely and romantic...but there is usually a moment tucked in to this process...where some serious deep yoga breathing is taking place and/or a bottle of wine is being uncorked.
Staying warm can be a little exhausting...a little dusty...but well...WELL worth it in the end. Apple Bread you're warming our souls.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
4th Thursday in November
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Storytime Wednesday, No. 1
Once upon a rainy day, the young boys along with their mother decided to go for a bus ride. They waited both patiently and impatiently for the bus to arrive."Is that the bus?" asked the oldest boy
"No. That is a yellow car." answered his mother.
"Is that the bus?" he asked again.
"No. That is red pick-up truck." answered his mother.
"Is that the bus?" he asked.
"No. That is a white station wagon." answered his mother.18 hours 5 minutes later, they heard a familiar roar of an engine and the oldest boy exclaimed,
"That's the bus. Now I remember! There it is!"
"Phew" sighed his mother.
The young boys along with their mother took the bus all the way downtown. Two blocks and 90 seconds later, they arrived. Dodging cars and raindrops, they carefully crossed the street and found their friend sitting at their favourite croissant shop.
"Would you like to join us on our bus adventure?" asked the oldest boy.
"I would", his friend replied.
And so they chose the first bus they saw, climbed aboard... and took it to their destination: Absolutely-Nowhere's-Ville. The youngest boy fell asleep.
The oldest boy along with his friend did not.
They rode through puddles. They rode around bends and over bridges. They rode and they rode...until at last, the bus stopped. And there they exited...down the steps...and out the door.
"What now?" the oldest boy along with his friend asked.
"Food" the mother replied.
And so the two friends ate...side by side...planning their next great adventure.Until then...
The End.