Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Cool Tricks

The Wink
After months of trying...at last, Hugh has perfected The Wink.Now I wonder who taught him?Cool Tricks

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Unwelcome Guests

Hey Croup,
You and your buddy, Strider, are not welcome here!
You are mean and scary.
So pack up your barking and wheezing and LEAVE!
Shut the window on your way out.


Saturday, March 27, 2010


After dinner ::xo

Friday, March 26, 2010


Hugh would like to help you start your weekend with a big laugh!
He made up this joke just for you...and it is very funny.
Take it away Hugh ::
How did the crocodile cross the road?
He used the croc-walk!!!
Good one Hugh!
May you have a happy...hilarious weekend!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Meet Julia

For a few days each week, we have a visitor who helps balance out the Y chromosomes in our home. She is quiet. We are not. She sits still. We do not. She wears pink. And I guess sometimes we do too. She gives us girlie goodness. Meet Julia! Arlo is especially taken with her. Perhaps it is her smile or maybe her liquid brown eyes. He talks to her all the days long...clapping his hands...shaking his fists. And when her attention begins to wander, he is quick to chase her down. I fancy him to King Kong and she to Ann Darrow. The only thing missing, the Empire State Building. Hey, wait one minute here! Do I smell a play in the works...okay, whoooo wants to play the part as the Empire State Building?? Anyone? Hugh? David? Miles?

To Be Continued...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Cool Tricks

The Catch...ooh so close.Cool Tricks.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


After Dinner ::xo

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Second Home

With Hugh, we traveled to the Arctic where we met a polar bear named Lars. We cheered for Leonardo the penguin as he tried to fly. We met Jack and Annie. We followed them to India, Egypt, China, the Wild West, the Ice Ages and even onto the Titanic. Sometimes, we held our breaths and covered our ears when their adventures felt a little too...well, adventurous . We stopped by the Dales in England where James Herriot introduced us to a few of his animal friends. Construction sites, airplane rides, snowball fights...and so much more...we've seen it all...for free...thanks to our public library.A good library will never be too neat, or too dusty, because somebody will always be in it, taking books off the shelves and staying up late reading them.
~Lemony Snicket

Friday, March 19, 2010

Happy Winter!

We will not go inside...We will not go inside...We will not go inside....
Celebrating the last day of winter with greenish grass, yellow wellies, blue shades, red pomegranates {Arlo's new favourite fruit, thank you very much!} and one very delicious white coconut!The weather watchers call for rain tomorrow...because after all, it will be spring...but for now...today, may we wish you all a very Happy Winter!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wee Leprechaun

Happy St. Patrick's Day from O'Hugh and his wee Leprechaun, McArlo!!xo

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Do You Even Know That?

Watch me!!! I can swing so high that I can catch the sun. Do you even know that? Oops. Missed. Wow, the sun is really high.

A horse makes delicious milk. Goats make blue cheese. It tastes like blueberries. They also make orange cheese. It tastes like cheese. Pandas live in the summer, not in China. Polar bears have blue bums. It's called Greenlind...not Greenland...because it's a lind. Hugh's Do you even know that?, a new series on Hugh & Arlo. Stay tuned.

Monday, March 15, 2010

11 Months

Happy 11 Months Arlo! You've had a busy month...growing teeth, climbing stairs and teaching us some new dance moves. Unfortunately, we will have to keep this post short as you and your brother are still sick. Croup, The Aches and Fevers Galore. But through it all you still manage to keep on smiling...and so do we!We love you Arlo!

Sunday, March 14, 2010


For some, it is the game. For Hugh, it is not.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Maybe if...

Maybe if I used a knitting pattern dated post 1946.
Maybe if I did my knitting during daylight hours...away from children.
Maybe if I stopped ripping out my knitting project...twice.
Maybe if I didn't spend all my time untangling yarn of ripped out knitting disaster.
Maybe if I didn't create a must have project with a tight deadline.
Maybe if Easter came in May.
Maybe if Easter came in June.
Maybe if Easter came in July.
Maybe if...Maybe if...the above list occurred, Arlo would handsomely wear a pair of hand knit Easter Knickers on Sunday, April 4th.{Ah heck! I have puh-lenty of time! I thought Easter fell on the 3rd. So basically I have a whole extra 24 hours...I'll just put those knickers aside for now...perhaps instead I'll kick up my feet...relax a little...soak in the tub...or read a book...what-to-do-what-to-do...}

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Calling in Sick

On Sunday I said, "There really should be a rule in the When Your Children Get Sick handbook that does not allow for both children to fall sick at the same time".
On Monday I said, "There really should be a rule in the When Mothers Get Sick handbook that does not allow for mothers to ever, ever fall sick simultaneously with her children."
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease {which I, for one second confused it with Hoof & Mouth Disease...nothing like being an alarmist!}.
And as of 1 am last night, Arlo can add Croup to the list.

We've been saved by Motrin, fresh air and our oh-so-cozy beds.
Here's to feeling better...NOW!
UPDATE :: Hugh's left eye would like to include Pink Eye to our ailment list. Unbelievable, I tell you...

Friday, March 5, 2010


Waiting and watching. Waiting and Watching. Waiting and Watching.
For some, these halls feel a little too quiet when Hugh is away visiting Miles.
Don't worry Arlo, he'll be home soon...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Pursuit of Happiness

"Arlo. Arlo...I'm going to GET YOUUUUU!!!"As fast as his legs can coordinate with his arms, Arlo zooms across the floor. Squeals erupt from his mouth-wide-open-grin. The Clark blows wildly in the air as he takes a corner at top speed. He stops. He turns. And flashes his weapon of melt worthy destruction...but-oh-no Arlo...because...."I'm going to GET YOUUUUU!!!!"He laughs and squeals louder than before. The Clark, in complete disarray, splatters across his forehead. He pumps his legs with wild vigor and determination leading him to the one place where the game must come to an abrupt end...the bottom of the stairs.
Arlo loves the pursuit...And that makes us happy.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Winter Light

When the winter sun pours down its rays, we bats step out of our caves. We squint and rub our eyes turning our faces toward the brightness in the sky.
Glorious Sun.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Channeling Clark

Because Hugh was as bald as bald can be until about a year ago, Arlo's head of hair has us completely giddy. Real Live Hair on a baby....wow!
Over the last few weeks, I have carefully studied...calculated...and performed some really impressive hair analysis on Arlo's head. I compiled all of my baby hair data and have concluded his hair is straight as an arrow, feathery as a fern and dare I say, rather unstylish. So as any hair expert...such as myself...would do, I have started to train it. Vancouver Olympic size training. It goes through daily {okay..alright, hourly} regiments of spit shines and oil baths. We comb. We brush. We even sometimes twirl it around our finger in hopes it may someday look like his. {And by we..I really mean, me. I'm sure David would rather not be included on this crazy train.} At last, all of our hard work has paid off. May I introduce to you what I call, 'The Clark'.xo
PostScript :: Props to Aunt Becky for inspiring The Clark comparison!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Team Arlo

I never anticipated the rather obvious detail upon the arrival of Arlo to our family. Are you ready for this groundbreaking revelation?
He. Is. Different. Than. Hugh.
For months now I have introduced bits and pieces to Arlo that resonated with Hugh. Ahem, mostly machines and books. At the same time, I have skipped the things that did not interest Hugh. And because Arlo is...well, awesome and will accept anything {minus pomegranate}, we went along our merry way. Until recently when Arlo discovered....tucked away, under mountains of machines...a red hockey stick. He picked it up. Looked at me then to Hugh. We shrugged our shoulders as Arlo had just crossed into unknown territory called...Hockey. He returned his attention back to the stick and swung...hard. That action alone impressed us. But then he crawled around the floor...passed by a ball...and headed right for his wheel. WHAM. SLAPSHOT. He sent it flying across the room. We fell silent {also impressive, I might add}. Next, he crawled to a wooden puck-like TinkerToy. WHAM. No mercy.I don't know what amazes me more ::
1. Discovering differences
2. Life lessons from our children
3. The velocity of a swinging hockey stick