Thursday, June 6, 2013

And this is what Hugh said...

Ah-ha! Mom! I know why dolphins have long necks.
So they can crack it.
I've been trying and trying to crack my neck...but...
Hold on, why have you been trying to crack your neck?
I don't know. But, I've been trying and trying...
Hugh, please don't crack your neck.
Wait...I've been trying and trying to crack my neck but I just figured out that my neck isn't long enough. However, a dolphin, now, they have a long neck. I bet they can really crack it...if only I were a dolphin.


Friday, May 31, 2013

And this is what Arlo (and Lev) said....

Arlo and his friend, Lev...are on the maroon team...

Levy, we are not on the maroon team, right?
Right, Arlo. We are on the purplish-red team.
No...we are on the darkish red kind of purple-but-not-really-purple team, right?
No Arlo. We are on the darkish blue with reddish and purplish.
Hey! I know, Lev, we are on the darkish reddish-bluish team!
You're right, Arlo! Everyone, we are on the darkish reddish-bluish team. But definitely...not on maroon, right?


Thursday, May 9, 2013

And this is what Arlo said...

Because you always wanted me?
I always wanted you.
And then I showed up. In a box. And you opened the box. And you looked inside. And there I was, your Arlo?
And there you were, my Arlo.
Because you always wanted me?
I always wanted you.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

And this is what Arlo said...

And this is what Arlo said...a few moons ago during a quiet time of snuggles with me, his sweetie...

Arlo: I love you, sweetie.
Me: I love you too, Arlo.
Arlo: Call me Legendary Snake.
Me: ????
Arlo: Don't tell anyone, sweetie. My name is now Legendary Snake. You mustn't tell Daddy or Hughby. (Arlo's name for Hugh; pronounced Hughbee)
Me: Okay...Legen...dary...Snake.
Arlo: Thanks Sweetie.

2 months later...

Arlo: Goodnight Sweetie.
Me: Goodnight Legendary Snake.
Arlo: Don't forget Throwing Star.
Me: ???
Arlo: My name is Legendary Snake Throwing Star.


I've decided to revisit this space with tales from Hugh and Arlo aka Legendary Snake Throwing Star. xo