Thursday, April 30, 2009

Road Trip

Hello Rooooaaaaddd Trip!
Yes sirs and ma'ams....this morning we piled into the Subaru and headed out on Arlo's first road trip. It felt great to be out of the house and heading somewhere further than 1 kilometer away. It was also a good test to see if three adults could squeeze into our car with the obstacle of two car seats...and yes we can.
So we headed to Kitchener where we:
1. Ordered a lovely gown for the Rodway/Hains wedding. {Where my body parts were measured...I mean is there anything crueler than measuring a woman's body two weeks after giving birth? Is there? Is there? No.}
2. Went to a toy store to seek out a Garbage Truck to buy at a later date for Hugh's Birthday. {Is there anything crueler than finding a very cool Garbage Truck and then telling a soon-to-be 3 year old that they will have to wait until their Birthday to play with it? Yes, measuring a woman's body two weeks after giving birth.}
3. Ate at Swiss Chalet {we missed you Dad}
4. Drove back to toy store...bought a Garbage Truck and gave it to a watery eyed soon-to-be 3 year old. Man, we're suckers.

Did Arlo enjoy his first Road Trip? Most definitely. He felt it to be extremely much so he couldn't muster enough energy to open his wee eyes for the entire outing!

After returning home, I sat on the front porch with Hugh and made teeny tiny garbage bags while he piled them in to his new toy truck.... while practicing his new 'camera' smile {this is hilarious stuff!}. Nana, David and Arlo soon joined us...and Arlo decided to open his eyes...for a record time of: 1 hour!!! Woo-hoo!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Two weeks

At last...we are feeling a little less sleepy...
Do I dare write such a bold statement?
We had a lovely day...bright eyes {perfect for big brothers to poke their pointy finger in baby brother's eyes} and smiling faces {until big brother makes contact with finger in baby brother's eyes}. The sun was out...thank you, thank you, thank you...which meant lots of time for playing in the park and soaking up much needed vitamin D.
Arlo had a midwives appointment this afternoon and he is proudly weighing in at nearly 9lbs. {just 1 oz shy!}. And our dear baby boy is now two weeks old today...and in exactly another two weeks we will kiss age 2 goodbye and welcome Mr. 3 Year Old....Oh Hugh, how is that possible?xo

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Honk-Shoo {sleeping update part deux}

Typically I like to look through the photos taken throughout the day...
I then choose the pictures where we are all looking our best...
But today...I have to post this one...because:
1. We are actually sleeping.
2. We actually look quite tranquil. {with yellow hammer in hand}
3. And lastly, I look completely washed up...sort of how I feel these days...and it makes me giggle. And I also thought it might make my brother giggle too...


Monday, April 27, 2009

Sweet Dreams

Here it is...two boys fast asleep.

But here's how it was {late, late} last night:
One {baby} boy fast asleep...and everybody else wide awake.
Oh Sweet Hugh...please, please sleep tonight. Because this blog is supposed to be a journal of our day...but when Mummies are bleary eyed and foggy makes it impossible to remember the day.
We need sleep...lots of it. So I will take one last look at the pictures above before tucking my toes into clean sheets and I will dream of a well rested family...Zzzzzz


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Arlo's First Sunday Dinner

Tonight we introduced Arlo to our Sunday Dinner tradition at the Hill' you will see...he was very excited to be there {and also very sleepy!}.
We had a great time...and stayed quite late...resulting in full bellies and tired tonight, I'll let the pictures do the talking...or writing.


Saturday, April 25, 2009

ice cream

At last...sun and heat {not furnace heat...but real live heat generated from the sun}. We've heard tales about this phenomenon...but to actually live it, well that's a whole entire experience in itself.
So what else to do when our cheeks are red and our bodies are salty? Eat. Ice. Cream.
Our old favourite, Scoopers opened this weekend so Nana, Hugh, Arlo and I strolled downtown for a cool treat. Unfortunately somebody hijacked my ice cream {ahem, Hugh} but the one bite I did manage to savour was most delicious. Hugh and I have spent many hot days over the past 2 years at Scoopers...and it was a our pleasure to introduce Arlo to our favourite summer destination...I guess he'll have to wait until next year to enjoy it himself...but it will be well worth the wait!


Friday, April 24, 2009


Each day we fall deeper and deeper in love with our new addition...
but nobody is more captivated with one another than Hugh with Arlo...and Arlo with Hugh...brothers.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

something on our chest.

This morning Hugh discovered the great healing powers of a baby asleep on one's chest. This was all new to me before Hugh was born...but it's true...5 minutes of a sleeping baby on a chest will bring a type of peace and relaxation found nowhere else.
When Uncle Jamie first met Hugh...he felt rather timid about holding such a new infant. So shortly after their introduction, we plopped baby Hugh on Uncle Jamie's chest and hours....{no exaggeration: hours!!!} lazily wandered by as Hugh lay peacefully with Jamie. I thought surely Jamie would have to use the facilities at some point...but no. I thought surely Jamie would want to move his tired sitting bones...but no. It wasn't until the sun started to set and a martini was poured that Jamie moved to the back porch all the while holding Hugh tightly to his chest. Yes, Jamie was hooked.

So today...all of us got in on some baby-chest-holding time...and today, I think our household just became a little more peaceful....

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

1,2,3,4,5,6,7 days

It's hard to believe a week has passed...and I guess my efforts to write a daily entry are not off to a booming start! I must be out of practice...
Well, let's get to it, shall we?
Our sweet Arlo was born on April 15th at 9:08pm.
He let out a wee cry as he was being pulled out of me and I believe we've only heard him cry a couple of times since.
We are all enamoured by his calm personality, his ability to sleep, and his dark olive skin. Now really, who does this kid belong to? If he didn't look exactly like his Daddy, {however, I did spy one dimple that I am definitely taking credit for} we might think he was switched in the nursery! Arlo is joy. Pure 8lb 5oz's of juicy baby joy and we are desperately in love!Hugh is such an amazing big brother. He has not shown any signs of resentment or jealousy. He truly adores his baby brother and takes immense pride in his role as: The Big Brother. He loves Arlo's hair...he loves his squeaks...he loves his tiny feet. But most of all, he loves to hold Arlo. And he is very good at it.
Our real hero of the household is Nana Rodway. Without her...well, let's not even allow such thoughts to creep into our head. Let's just say, she's our saving grace.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

one week...

in exactly one week, we will have a new addition to our little family...
we will call him arlo.
when hugh was born i sent out daily updates of our adventures and mishaps...i believe it's only fair that arlo have the same treatment...
so my dear family, instead of receiving a daily email, i hope you will enjoy taking a daily visit to: hugh & arlo; the daily update.
we'll meet again in one week...or so.