Monday, December 27, 2010

That's French for After Christmas

Merry Apres-Christmas!

We just said goodbye to Nana and Grandaddy and I only cried a ton on the inside. To cheer myself up, I ate some cookie dough, four mini-cheesecakes {which brings my grand total to 36 this holiday} and lastly, I decided to dismantle all signs of Christmas. We have had such a good time dancing and jingling to holiday music, touching only the most breakable ornaments on the tree and counting down the days to every one's arrival...but now it's time to embrace the aftermath. Ahh...peace, quiet and time for another mini-cheesecake.

Merry Apres-Christmas - Love, Hugh & Arlo and their Mummy & Daddy. And love from Arlo's shopping cart and phone. And Hugh's bat-cycle and transformers. And the 8 7 remaining mini-cheesecakes.



Uncle Jamie said...

So good to have you back :)

I love the one of the boys hiding behind the tree. They look so guilty of something.

Great job on the posting. Now go and have yourself another cheesecake . . .

Anonymous said...

WOW does your living room look great with the fireplace - real Christmas Card looking scene. Makes us wish we were back with you.

luv M and D