Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Vive La Violin

It is always during Hugh's violin lesson when I notice the dirt ground into his finger nails, the spots on his shirt, leftover lunch on his cheeks and mismatched socks on his feet. In his teacher's sophisticated living room, where his lessons take place, we are surrounded by a grand piano, a pump organ, violins, cellos and countless music books from the likes of Bach, Mozart and Beethoven. And there, lying flat out on the posh wool rug, our own masterpiece, Hugh. I try to gracefully lift his limp body off the floor whispering encouraging thoughts in his ear like, "Santa is watching...get up and play the violin." {such award winning parenting moments} I then smile, make an excuse, "Wow. Must be tired today!" and silently shrink while hearing the words of David. And that has been the scene for the past 4 lessons. But today, my friends, today...we had a breakthrough. Just as I was about to throw the bow and strings in, Hugh had a remarkable lesson. He listened. He sat. He stood. He participated. But most miraculously, his finger nails were clean, his shirt...spotless, his cheeks...shiny and his socks...a perfect pair. And tonight just before bed, Hugh played a little tune {not sure what...but don't care} for his biggest fan.