Happy Halloween.Fin.
PostScript - And let us not forget our very own, very strong Spidey-delicious-man!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Channelling Mr. Chaplin
Friday, October 22, 2010
Apples on a Stick :: Friday Fun
Thursday, October 21, 2010
There is seriously a lot to catch up on...but first....may I introduce to you my new friend ::
First name, Pony. Last name, Tail.Hugh and Arlo aren't the only ones growing...so is my hair. Short as short can be for years and now after nearly one year of patience that only one who has ever tried growing out their hair could understand...my new pal Pony Tail signifies more than friendship, it is an accomplishment...a goal...a miracle.
Ahem. On another note...wet colourful leaves are among us and so are the flickering candles of newly carved Jack '0 Lanterns. Hugh's creation front and center...And finally...I did something that I thought I would never, ever, no way, not in a million gazillion years do as a mother. I, I, I caved. We bought Hugh a Halloween costume. We did and I can't believe it. You see, Hugh has wanted to go as Spider-man for ages now...and although I am sure I could create some sort of {abstract} super-hero costume for him...it wouldn't be the same. So, after much thought {as in, 'Don't be so selfish Peg...buy the poor kid a normal Halloween costume!'}, David and I took him shopping. When Hugh picked out the one with built in muscles...well, who can compete with that? Somehow it made everything feel okay. So without further adieu ::
Spider-man...really, really strong Spider-man.
Now Arlo...well that's another story. You're just going to have to wait for his mama-made Halloween MASTERPIECE!!!!!!! Boo-ha-ha-haaaaaaaa.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Awesome Fun.
Sometimes the weekend is fun. And sometimes the weekend is funner than fun. {Okay. Who made the rule declaring 'funner' not a word? Shame on them. Clearly they must not have had 'funner' than fun. Because had they, well then...they'd know that 'more fun' just sounds boring. I'm sick of not being able to use 'funner' freely...sick, I say...sick. But for the sake of pleasing the grammar gods...Hi Nana...I will try to remain grammatically respectful. Ugh. That's not funner. Not funner at all...}
Wait, what was I saying?Oh yes...we went to a farm today. And it was fun...funner than fun! Awesome fun.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Kenny's Car Is Now Arlo's Car
Every morning as we are piling in the wagon to make our way to Hugh's school we see *Dennis and his companion, *Kenny walking down the street. We usually exchange a 'Hello'. {Although that's been a little awkward ever since Hugh told Dennis that Kenny may not poop in our yard. Did I mention Kenny is a dog? Did I mention Kenny and Dennis kind of look alike?}
This morning Dennis greeted us with the news that Kenny was at long last ready to part with his yellow and orange plastic car. Daily, we see Kenny's car carefully parked in front of their house which sparks great discussions between Hugh and I:
'Why does Kenny have a car?'
'Good question Hugh.'
'Do you think he drives it? Takes it on trips? Does he sleep in it? Why is it orange? Where is Kenny? Why does he always poop in our yard? Do you think he poops in the car? Where is Dennis? Why does the car have a yellow roof? Can the Flash run faster than Superman? '
'All good questions Hugh.'
After Dennis offered Kenny's car, we hardly hesitated to pick it up. Between you and me, Kenny seemed a little miffed about the whole thing...but Arlo gave him a gentle push with his foot...encouraging Kenny to move outta the way....because my friends, there's a new driver in town...vroom....vroom...beep, beep...
*None of the names have been changed in this story. Sorry Dennis and Kenny. Your names are just too perfect to alter.
Friday, October 1, 2010
We Love Friday Fun
When I think back to the warm evenings of my childhood, I remember running, laughing and playing with our neighbourhood friends. The age range of kids must have spread from 4 to 14 years old. And although it would be expected that such a vastness in years would separate, it was the clear commonality of neighbourhood to which brought us together. I worry sometimes in this day and age, the neighbourhood 'family' is a dying one. And so that is why...this summer, we invented - Friday Fun. Every Friday evening, we open our backyard to our neighbours. The only rules - Run. Laugh. Play. And most importantly HAVE FUN. A couple of months ago, our first Friday Fun consisted of one guest...as of tonight we welcomed 18 {Ages 1 - 14}!!! Nothing makes us smile bigger than hearing our very own neighbourhood family scream, 'We love Friday Funnnnn!!!!' Vive la neighbourhood.