Saturday, October 9, 2010

Awesome Fun.

Sometimes the weekend is fun. And sometimes the weekend is funner than fun. {Okay. Who made the rule declaring 'funner' not a word? Shame on them. Clearly they must not have had 'funner' than fun. Because had they, well then...they'd know that 'more fun' just sounds boring. I'm sick of not being able to use 'funner' freely...sick, I say...sick. But for the sake of pleasing the grammar gods...Hi Nana...I will try to remain grammatically respectful. Ugh. That's not funner. Not funner at all...}
Wait, what was I saying?Oh yes...we went to a farm today. And it was fun...funner than fun! Awesome fun.


Ja'mum said...

What's funner for me is the appearance of...dun, dun, duh...the sausage!

Nana said...

The Grammar Gods approve. Funner says it all.

Love, Nana