Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Thunderstorm

Here's what was supposed to happen tonight: lawn bowling.
Instead we had something much more interesting take place all because of a thunderstorm. But before I begin I shall give a brief history on the story of Neil and Tony.
When Hugh was around 18 months {and saying quite a few words} he became entranced with the weekly mowing of our park. The riding lawn mowers roared around the teeter-totters and swings with such precision and grace, anyone could have easily shared Hugh's fascination. On one particular day while the grass was being cut, Hugh was perched on his chair staring out the window and exclaimed "Neil and Tony!!!". He didn't have any friends, books, movies, relatives or any affiliation for that matter with the names: Neil and Tony...but for some reason this is what he decided to call them. David and I chuckled because one of the mowers was a woman. Was she Neil or Tony? The names have stuck and we still get pretty excited when they arrive in our park.
This evening with the lights flickering from the thunderstorms we heard a gentle knock at our door. Hugh and I ran to answer and who do we see standing before us? Neil and Tony. Our jaws dropped...and I slowly turned to Hugh and said {using my best ventriloquist voice}, "It's Neil and Tony".
"Can we please stand on your front porch? We were mowing in the park and we're stuck in the rain." they explained.
With smiles on our faces we said, "Of course!"
Taking a couple of minutes to re-group, Hugh and I grabbed the camera...
and joined Neil and Tony. We told them our story...snapped a picture...and thanked them for their job well done.
Oh yeah, we also confirmed Laura is Neil and Vern is Tony.