Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
The Blind Leading The Blind
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Holiday Decorating 101
Oh sure, we know what you are thinking. How are they so clever to build such a BEAUTIFUL, PROFESSIONAL and EXQUISITE gingerbread house? And how did they arrange the gum drops in such careful suspending clumps from the roof? And yes, to answer your next question...that is indeed Frosty the Snowman who has clearly met his fate at our front door.Don't be jealous. We can't help our Holiday decorating abilities...it just comes naturally.
Monday, November 15, 2010
'The Memory Card Is Full...AGAIN!' , reminds David as he tries to capture a photo-op. It's annoying...not David's reminder...but my apparent inability to let go of photographs. I hold on to them...big time...all of them. Blurry or beautiful, they sit side-by-side one another in the Land of Memory Card waiting to be moved, copied, printed or dare I say, deleted. Ugh...annoying. So tonight with Hugh & Arlo in bed early, I took full advantage of moving, copying, printing, deleting AND SHARING a few with you. And in pure-Peg-dramatic style, I am calling these shots - Hugh & Arlo : The Never Before Seen Footage. No, no...how about - Hugh & Arlo : The Lost Ones. Hugh & Arlo : The Outtakes? Hugh & Arlo : Behind The Music? Oh forget it...
Friday, November 12, 2010
Nothing Short of...Two Miracles.
1 minute. 3 minutes. 5 minutes.
Silence. Panic.
"Hugh? Huuu-ggghhhh?!? Where are you? What's going on?"
I sped down the stairs...slid around the corner at top-dog-sock-sliding speed and practically blinded by the divine light streaming through the window, I came face to face with Miracle Numero Uno. {You know, there is hardly any other saying that I like more than Numero Uno. I wish everything, everyone, everyday could be Numero Uno.} There he was, sitting quietly at the table creating, drawing, art-ing. Right there. In the divine light. There was no bribing involved. No craft-begging. No wrestling to the ground shoving a broken crayon in his hand. {Okay. That one never happened. Unless having visions of it happening count.} Of his own accord, he had found his well stocked art box and his dusty sketchbook. I didn't know what to do. So, I held my breath and froze like a statue for I was just sure that even the slightest bit of movement might offset my Hughblo Picasso.
My camera was within arms reach. Should I? Would I? Could I grab it and click it without disruption?

I don't know why, but something resonated with Hugh on this day...perhaps it's his new fascination with Superheroes. After all they are so beautifully graphic...full of colour and expression. Or maybe he just decided after 4 years of living on Earth, it was time to draw.

Thursday, November 4, 2010
Superhero Moment?
Two days ago Arlo and I were visiting our friend Anna. Everything was as it should have been. Afternoon light was streaming through the window. Anna and I were discussing her artwork...perhaps we were also eating grapes...the purple variety...when all of a sudden Anna gasped. I spun around, following her panicked eyes only to meet a teak cupboard falling on top of Arlo. I leaped to my feet, dove and threw the cupboard...oh, about 5 feet...away from Arlo. Although glass shattered on and all around him...he wasn't crushed {or cut}. I remember thinking to myself...in that kind of slow-motion-before-catastrophe-hits kind of way, "Wow, I totally just threw Anna's furniture". After inspecting Arlo and talking about the statistics of deaths to children due to furniture...Anna attempted to lift the cupboard back on to its feet. She couldn't do it. "Do you need some help?" I offered. Anna had watched me throw the cupboard across the room. It seemed practically insane...impossible...that she would need any help at all lifting this seemingly weightless cupboard. Regardless, I gave her a hand...make that two hands...and with a whole lot of effort...the two of us managed to set it upright again.
Superhero moment?Last night while teaching a knitting class, fruit flies were abundant. Everyone was swatting, clapping and flicking the annoying creatures out of their sight. However with all their efforts, no one actually made contact. Finally, I joined in on the fruit fly hunt. It seemed too easy...too easy indeed...but every time I made a swat, a clap or a flick...the fruit fly would fall lifelessly to the table. "How are you doing it?" my students asked. "Everyone knows fruit flies are virtually impossible to kill."
Superhero moment?Tonight we bought a new, old car. It's a lovely beast. Full of tank-like materials...as well as heated seats and robot arm cup holders. Hugh was so excited to check out every single nook and cranny of our new, old car. I enjoyed watching him. As the sun began to set, I beckoned him to come inside. Just as I was stepping onto our porch, I heard him scream. I spun around and immediately identified the ol' fingers shut in the car door mishap. I ran over...opened the door...freed his throbbing fingers and held him tightly. After a few popsicles...ice packs...tylenol...physical and mental therapy...popsicles...ice cream...physical and mental therapy, he asked, "Where were you? Why did you let this happen? YOU should have been there to make sure the car door didn't slam on my fingers?"
Silence.I. Wish. I. Were. A. Superhero.
*A special thanks to Arlo for playing the role of superhero for tonight's post.