Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Here is solid proof that summer in Canada doesn't just happen on the last weekend in July:
1. Buying flowers...because we are absolutely positive there will be no more frost filled nights. {right?}2. Two picnics in one day {at the Erie Drive In and down by the river}
3. Fishing {in a real body of water...not a puddle}
4. Climbing trees...nothing screams summer like climbing a good tree.
Post Script: I know, I's not officially summer...but Hugh is convinced otherwise...and because our summer can be quite short...we're going with the "it sure is summer." mindset around here!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Guest Starring Miles
Someone very important to our family is Hugh's friend Miles. They are such special pals and don't remember a time without each other. Miles is often a fixture in this household. In fact, when I was thinking of what to call this blog, I had considered: Hugh & Arlo Guest Starring Miles. When Miles isn't over, Hugh often asks me to pretend to be Miles. I'm pretty sure this is just a ploy because inevitably I end up tired of playing Miles and will call begging him to come over! Such as the case today...a rainy day...a lonely start of a day for Mr. Hugh...untilMiles came calling...
{Did you count the outfit changes? Most of the day was spent making/eating cookies and getting out of wet clothes! A very good day indeed.}
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
6 Weeks!
Sweet Arlo...on the very morning of his 6 week birthday he became a victim of a love crime. Big brother Hugh...out of passion and who knows what else...bit Arlo's teeny-tiny finger. Arlo let out a wail...I let out a wail...and Hugh let out a wail. It broke my heart on a couple of levels...hearing Arlo's first cry because of pain was so sad {even though unfortunately, I know there will be many more to come} and it broke my heart to see Hugh feel so guilty...guilty of loving too much.
Arlo recovered quickly...and I couldn't help but to smother him in love and kisses for the rest of the day. A couple of times I would swear there were tiny birds circling around my head because Arlo's cuteness just sent me dizzy!
Happy 6 Weeks!{Arlo and I took our first bath together tonight...I swear he liked it much more than this picture represents...he looks rather frightened!}
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
A Three Hour Tour?
So it turns out that:
It's always a good idea to check a ferry schedule before exiting the ferry onto an Island where every business is closed...where the winds are fierce and the temperature is shivering cold. Yes, best to check when the ferry will return to pick up your sorry cold souls...
{okay it was only an hour...but it was cold!!! and windy!!!}post script: Nana we miss you...and I'm sure had you been with would have looked at the ferry schedule...right?
Monday, May 25, 2009
Thank You Nana
Tonight we had a party...a going away party for someone so near and dear to our hearts...It stinks to say we made it a little less painful by eating steak...cake...and sipping sparkly drinks... Tomorrow we will wake up really early in the morning...or actually make that our regular time {5:30am}...we will pile in the to the airport...and bid our dearest Nana farewell at which point I will try my very hardest not to cry...or panic.
Thank you Nana for giving us such a wonderful start to our family of four...xo
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
During university, I had a friend who made dandelion wine. It was awful. Moonshine has never touched these lips...but I would imagine dandelion wine is worst. In fact, I'm surprised I didn't go blind that summer....
Although a pesky little weed and an icky wine, they sure can be a load of fun....{photo taken by hugh}
Friday, May 22, 2009
How to Build A Pinwheel: by Hugh Dunnem
"First, you need a big, big, BIG piece of paper...and nails...and a hammer....and an outside stick and sandpaper. Stay here and I'll go get the sand, okay?""Fold the paper. Actually, it's too hard to fold...have Nana or Mummy do it. Make the sandpaper with the sand. Claim the outside stick as YOURS...and whatever you do, make sure nobody takes your stick."
"Do something....I don't know what...and then you have a pinwheel"
To Make the Pinwheel Spin:
1. Hope for wind2. Run
3. Stand perfectly still
4. Place in garden dirt
5. Tie on front of bike
6. Tie on back of bike
7. Plead with it to spin...just a little...please pinwheel spin...please
What do you think Arlo?
That's what we thought.