A new winter fashion accessory... xo
PostScript :: Again...with the window.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Project Runway
Arlo's Winter Fashion Indoor Leisure Wear ::
1. Pajamas - all day, nearly all the time.
2. Barefoot in too big boots - all day, not all the time because somebody mysteriously removes said footwear during nap time which is a blessing as those stinky dogs need a good two hours of air out time.
3. Giant Yellow Mittens - all day, all the time except when Arlo is eating or trying to pick up a pair of car keys.And there you have it - he's no sartorialist, but he sure is stinkin' cute.
PostScript :: Seriously, what is going on outside that window?
Friday, January 14, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Who Said Dollhouses Were Just For Girls?
Okay. Probably no one actually said dollhouses were just for girls...but anyway, let's pretend somebody really important did...because tonight we proved them wrong! With some help from our scissors, painter's tape and empty toy boxes - we designed a little palace that we like to call - Transformer Headquarters. {But when you say Transformer Headquarters it's important to say it in a deep, robotic voice - and then maybe add a dun dun dunnnnn at the end.}

Saturday, January 8, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
I am no 5 year old.
While Hugh & Arlo were taking care of dinner...I was taking care to not throw this thing across the room.
What is this thing? I don't know. Okay, I sort of know. It's a Level 4 Transformer. Which means it's REALLY HARD. Like ages 5 and up hard.
Here's the bit where I make a wee confession - you see, I got a bit braggy about my Transformer skills. I whizzed through Level 1 {where there is absolutely no transforming involved...you simply flip the car over to produce a robot/autobot which has been cleverly painted on the underside}. I skipped to the lou my darling on Level 2 {which I think I had to twist a head around to transform it into a robot}. I coughed a little during Level 3 {Okay, Level 3 was tricky. Lots of transforming and clever thinking involved...tricky indeed, but I started to get kind of good...a little braggy, perhaps...and then just plain foolish when I challenged everyone to a 1,2,3 Level 4 Transformer War!!!}.
Level 4. It's not going well. And my hands hurt. The worst part is I don't even remember what I'm supposed to turn it in to. Is it a plane? Helicopter? Motorcycle? Part after part keep falling in my cramped hands. Every twist I make seems to produce a more distorted version of the last twist. It's unbelievable. Like only the kind of unbelievable-ness created by toys for Ages 5 and up.
You know, it's times like these when I reflect upon the days of playing Builder. Come to think of it, playing the role of the two dimensional bulldozer was really rewarding. As in ages 4 and up rewarding.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Aunt Peg Reporting For Duty
Arlo, are you excited?Hugh, are you excited?
Hooray! We are so very, very excited (or as Hugh says 'Super Stoked'. I taught him that one when I was going through my I-wish-we-were-a-family-of-surfers phase. Super Stoked hung on...Hang Loose did not.) Yes indeed-y. The most excited we have probably ever, ever been. Yesterday, a wee one came into this world. His name is Max. He has a lot of hair. His Uncle Jamie Daddy is a Super Hero. And he is Hugh & Arlo's real live 7lb 14oz cousin. We love him like a crazy short robe. We want to squeeze him. Don't we boys?
We are super stoked.
Confession :: I'm still going through my I-wish-we-were-a-family-of-surfers phase.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
New Year's Day & The Flourless Chocolate Cake
Tonight we hosted our 2nd annual New Year's Day dinner celebration. I took a chance and omitted the traditional dish of good luck - Ham and Black Eyed Peas. Partly because nobody believes in my ritual and partly because I so desperately wanted to eat Butter Chicken. As I was buzzing around the kitchen melting butter, sauteing garlic and pinching spices...I had a brilliant idea - Share Butter Chicken Recipe With All - Even the pickiest palates will devour bite after bite of this delicious meal. It is bound to go down in your history cookbooks as Fave. Meal. Ever. And in my excitement of recipe sharing...I even thought of an adaptation for vegetarians - leave out the chicken!!! ah-HA. Simply perfect for all. Even for the children.
Just as I was twisting my arm around to pat myself on the back and imagining the millions of comments praising the simplicity yet gourmet sensibility of our beloved recipe, our dinner guests arrived....with competition - Flourless Chocolate Cake.Butter Chicken Who? aka. Flourless Chocolate Cake Recipe -
6 Tbsp unsalted butter + butter for greasing pan
1 1/2 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
6 large egg yolks
6 large egg whites
1/2 cup sugar
Set oven to 275F. Place rack in centre. Butter bottom and sides of a springform pan. Place butter and chocolate chips in bowl - microwave in 30 second increments until melted (about 3 times). Whisk in yolks.
Beat egg whites to soft peaks. Gradually add sugar. Beat until thick and glossy.
Whisk 1/4 of egg whites into chocolate chips gently. Then pat chocolate mixture into the whites.
Pour into pan.
Bake until cake pulls away from sides about 45-50 minutes. Let cool then remove from pan.