Friday, January 1, 2010


Here's the much as I would love to love New Year's much as I would love to have the When Harry Met Sally New Year's much as I would love to stand in the middle of Time's Square with Dick Clark {Wait, it's still Dick Clark, yes?} reality it's just not me. I don't ever think it has been. In fact I've always felt a little sorry for the year leaving us. It all just feels a little sad to me. Poor year...did it feel appreciated? Were 365 days really enough time to prove itself? Perhaps this is the reason why I am much more comfortable with the New Year's Day celebration. No late nights...just comfortable greetings. Ah yes...much more my style. To honour the day...the new day...the first day, we invited our neighbours to feast upon Ham and Black Eyed Peas. Because where I am from...and according to our guests, only where I am from...this is the traditional January 1st meal representing good luck and fortune.
So with gratitude to 2009, we bid farewell. And with bubbling anticipation, we raise our sparkling apple juice real-live-champagne-glasses...carefully...ever so all the loveliness that awaits.
Welcome Two Thousand and Ten.