Monday, January 11, 2010

I'm On Drill

Something remarkable took place in our old yellow brick house this afternoon. We are in the throes of our yearly itch called, "The Cabin Fever Clean Up", or better known this year as, "If I Have To Look At Those Lousy Kitchen Cabinets For One More Day I Might..." . Inspired by the installation of a dishwasher....although, remarkable in fact, please take a reflective pause on this statement...a moment of silence as we say farewell to our dishpan hands...actually, let's just repeat the sentence: Inspired by the installation of a dishwasher...we are repainting the kitchen cabinets. And for those who have ever taken on this arduous project, understand there is quite a bit of dismantling involved.
Hugh declared, "I'm on Drill."
As usual, I took in a yoga breath and said with a squeak, "Sure."
He took the drill from my hands and without instruction or hesitation removed every single screw and hinge from the cabinet doors. Hugh has taken the step from "helpful" to helpful.