Friday, January 8, 2010

The World According To Hugh

"Okay. Okay. Okay. Here's how it {the world} all started. First, there were steam shovels...with lots of men. And then they all died. The steam shovels died. The men died. All of them. They died. Then came the dinosaurs. There was a huge fire and they died. But before the fire, there was a huge mining shovel that ate the dinosaurs. And then they died. Then the fire happened. And then the monkeys died. And then we came...yep, that's how it happened."


"That's right Mummy. The Monkeys. They died. And their fur died. And then we came."The World According To Hugh {with Arlo playing the role as The Destroyer of Steam Shovels}.


Uncle Jamie said...

So there's Creationism, Darwinism and Hughism . . .

hugh&arlo said...

I think I smell a bumper sticker! Hope you're feeling better...xopd.