Thursday, June 25, 2009

Cottage Classics

What brings me such joy {and comfort} from my summer visits to the lake is reuniting with the cottage classics. All the games and goodies that remain in their same location year after year after year after year...I remember as a child, my brother and I digging out the cottage classics within hours of arriving to the lake. There would be lots of: "Oh yea! Remember these?". I particularly enjoy that the cottage classics come with their own scent. Some are musty...some dry and dusty...and some are simply lovely.
Today...every turn we took we were visiting another classic. {If only I had some cool classic cottage tunes to pair up with this, that would be practically a tear jerker.}

Anyway, here's what we unearthed:
The tennis racket...made of wood and {I'm pretty sure} of horsehair.
the fine game of Twister and...Cooties.
Badminton. Hugh preferred this to tennis after I accidentally got him in the eye with tennis ball. And although this racket was also made from was of the much lighter variety! Homemade lollies. {Bec, these originally belonged to your mother} And finally, classic cottage lounging. Out of all the classics...this one remains my favourite.


Rebecca Hill said...

That lounger for Arlo is to die for!!