Friday, June 12, 2009

Guest Starring Miles & Introducing Honnie

We enjoyed another visit from our favourite guest star, Miles. I would also like to introduce Hugh's new 'friend', Honnie {sounds like Connie}. Perhaps you have seen Honnie in photos previously posted. To be honest, I have not noticed our new friend...but according to Hugh, he's there. He likes to hang out on Arlo's car seat and we must always be very cautious not to crush Honnie when putting Arlo is in his seat. Yes, must-be-careful!

So because we had so many extra set of hands...we took the boys {I think Honnie is a boy?} to the car wash to scrub, spray and spiff up our car. Everyone worked quite hard {except for Arlo who found the whole experience very relaxing} and the results were dashing. As a thank you we took the boys guessed it! Ice Cream. Clearly from the picture, Honnie passed on the ice cream...apparently he doesn't like it.