Monday, April 12, 2010

Dirty Nails and All

Sometimes I long to be the kind of mummy who keeps her nails pristine and pink. But then how would I find the time to build dirt highways, dig for worms and excavate treasures from the garden? I know there are plenty of mothers who can do both...and I strive to be her someday. But for now, my dirty nails and I will carry on proudly as we wobble in the grass holding on to one chubby hand.xo


Ja'mum said...

No way!!! Not the one-handed-wobble? I'm gonna have to stick closer to the 'hood so I don't miss these milestones!!!

Lisa T. said...

Girl! YOu're nails and hands look great! I have man hands. no nails, scraggly cuticles and scars and scratches.
I say we are even prettier with our "doing something" hands!