Friday, April 9, 2010

Field Trip

I love a field trip. For me, it evokes feelings of freedom, discovery and group fun. I even like to use 'field trip' to describe mundane errands...
Anyone want to go on a field trip to the grocery store?
I'm going to the dump, care to take a field trip with me?So when Hugh's school announced they were taking a field trip...well, I'm sure you can guess who was first in line! Literally actually, as I didn't quite read the permission slip correctly and brought us to our destination an hour early. No bother...just teaching our son the art of enthusiasm. And boy-oh-boy, our school did not disappoint. Wagon ride, sugar bush tour, green house picnic and farm animals galore. Weeeeee! Yes, nothing like a field fact, I think I'll go on one right now...straight to my bed.
Happy Weekend.