Street Fair :: Arlo Meets Fair Food

And this is what they said...
Street Fair :: Arlo Meets Fair Food
Until...Until...Carousel made one fatal mistake. She began to move. No longer were lights dazzling. Her music was more clatter than clang. Arlo's betrayed eyes began to prickle. His mouth turned south. Had he been able to loosen his grip for one second, he would have signed, 'All done'.
I lifted him off his horse and carefully made our way to safety - the bench. Together, we waited out the ride.
At last Carousal and her wild ways stopped. We made our way to the exit, where we stood admiring the bravery of Hugh and the beauty of Carousal from...afar.
Hugh was ready for school earlier than anyone should be ready for anything. He knew the day belonged to him.
'So have you decided what you are bringing?' I asked.
He pulled out the official show-and-tell bag. I know, I know...I forgot to tell you about 'the bag'. Apparently the leader is granted the show-and-tell bag to stuff with all their show-and-tell goodness. Here's how Hugh explained it,
'Mom!! It's the giant polka dot show-and-tell bag! YOU KNOW! FOR THE LEADER!'Well, I didn't know. Because I wasn't as lucky as Hugh to have a giant polka dot show-and-tell bag...but anyway,
After seconds of sweaty decisions, Hugh finally decided to bring his beloved logger truck. Was it a hit? You betcha. Here's how he told me he described it to the class,
'Well, I brought my logger truck. It has stabilizers and a claw. And it can grab really big logs. Everyone plays with toys in the summer.'
Huh? He lost me on the last part...he also told me that EVERYONE wanted it.
'Even Beatrice?' I asked.
"Oh, you mean the King of Bees?" he replied.
Introducing the new leader ::Hugh has been waiting for this moment ever since his teacher mentioned the word :: Leader. The significance of being appointed leader is HUGE. You see my friends, leader may represent many things...but for Hugh it signifies only these three special words - Show. And. Tell. Nobody else will have this special privilege tomorrow...just the leader. Solo show-and-tell-o. To this day, the very thought of show-and-tell still makes me giddy. I actually remember the time when Jackie Younge, my preschool classmate, brought in air for show-and-tell. Air, I tell you. She reached into her yellow raincoat pocket and pulled out a fist full of air. We were confused. Disappointed. And oh so completely intrigued. She was a savant, that Jackie Younge, a show-and-tell savant.
So what will our mighty leader bring tomorrow? Folks, he is asking himself the very same question. And the answer changes every 2.4 seconds., no...logging, construction,,logging truck...
Stay tuned...
The Lord is good to me...
And so I thank the Lord...
For giving me the things I need...
The sun and the rain and the apple seed...
The Lord's been good to me...
Feeling very inspired by Hugh's enthusiasm for kindergarten, I adopted the same go get'em attitude as I seriously nearly fell down the porch steps on my way to the first day of my new job. It was a great day and I only missed my munchkins 4,981 times.'s to firsts!xo
In Arlo language, shoe = hat. He points out hat a gazillion and one times a day. By now you know how we roll around in order to honour Arlo's new interest in hat , we made him wear one. Oh, and we also celebrated by opening {and then closing} his first ever pop-up shop :: Arlo's Hat Store - Home of the Finest Shoes. Although he was only in business for 10 minutes, he miraculously sold one hat to a two footed customer. Heck of a salesman...well done, Arlo.xo
Oh sure, everyone knows the importance of the first day of school. But what about poor ol' Mr. Second Day. It gets nothing. All the hoopla and snapshots are tucked away by the time he arrives. So this morning, in recognition of the second day of school I whipped out my camera just as a plaid clad blur was tearing out the front door, practically tumbling down the porch steps, running as fast as his legs could carry him to greet the very one that I so foolishly thought was overlooked...jolly ol' Mr. Second Day.xo
Summer Lovin' Had Me A Blast is moving right along...faster than I was planning...but how could I not share this little piece of Arlo with you right away. RIGHT. AWAY. Honestly, how did he fall in love with a door that matched his outfit so perfectly? Guess he's just that clever.
Arlo, Arlo
Oh so keen
Arlo, Arlo
Our green door lovin' machine.
It's that time of the year when Hugh & Arlo reunite with their friends, The Mighty Machines. This afternoon, we gave our very best greetings and salutations to our pals Excavator, Front-end Loader, Dump Truck, Tow Truck, Garbage Truck, Giant Forklift, Crane...and many more.At last year's event Arlo was wee...but this year he's not so wee...and oh-so very, very keen. Practically unstoppable, our Arlo. He took it all in with exactly the right amount of enthusiasm a younger brother of a builder should.
From resting in giant back hoe scoops to popping squats next to Hugh on machine tops....he successfully solidified the brotherhood of building. Like I said, unstoppable!
{Please take a moment to study the ankle fat spilling out above Arlo's right {our right, that is} shoe...I think I just squealed! Love it!}
After it was all said and done, we concluded that 50 days of our summer was spent at the cottage. Therefore 50 days of summer floated by and we didn't share it with you. That's not cool. Not cool at all. You see, we love to share...don't we Hugh?...and so we've made a plan and we're calling it ::
Summer Lovin' Had Me A Blast or 50 Days of Summer. {Eeks. I can't decide.}
Although we will continue with current updates, every once in awhile...for a total of 5o times...we will sneak in a photo...memory...a few simple words to update on our days spent away from our dear blog.
Let's kick this Summer-Lovin'-Had-Me-A-Blast-50-Days-of-Summer off right now.
Hugh, will you do us the honour?He learned to swim. Simply. Beautifully. Swimmingly.
Mrs. Whaley was her name. And I loved her so. She was my kindergarten teacher who wore beautiful dresses. The blue one was my personal favourite.
Mrs. Macdonald is her name. And Hugh loves her so. She is his kindergarten teacher who will most likely wear beautiful blue dresses too.
It felt impossible to me that I was taking him to his first day of kindergarten this morning. I've driven by his school countless times, but I struggled to find it today. Wait, do I turn right, no I better go straight...but going straight means I have to turn left which means traffic...
As I {kind of strangely} made my way there, I stole a few peeks of him sitting ever so calmly in the back seat.
"So don't worry about a thing!' I told him, 'Kindergarten totally rocks. It's so fun. Wow, you look so calm back there. And beautiful...I mean handsome. Everyone is going to love you. Just remember to listen and be polite. Oh, and grateful too. Wow. Kindergarten. I loved kindergarten. So fun. Yep. So much fun. I remember....'.
'Mom?', he stopped my babble with expert timing, 'If you shoot a gun, do you think the bullet can reach outer space?'.
As we arrived to the school he lined-up with up his new classmates {and Miles} and blew me a kiss. We watched his kiss float through the air as it made its way towards my cheek. He giggled. And so did I...Happy Kindergarten Hugh!