Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Leader :: Part 2

Hugh was ready for school earlier than anyone should be ready for anything. He knew the day belonged to him.
'So have you decided what you are bringing?' I asked.
He pulled out the official show-and-tell bag. I know, I know...I forgot to tell you about 'the bag'. Apparently the leader is granted the show-and-tell bag to stuff with all their show-and-tell goodness. Here's how Hugh explained it,
'Mom!! It's the giant polka dot show-and-tell bag! YOU KNOW! FOR THE LEADER!'Well, I didn't know. Because I wasn't as lucky as Hugh to have a giant polka dot show-and-tell bag...but anyway,
After seconds of sweaty decisions, Hugh finally decided to bring his beloved logger truck. Was it a hit? You betcha. Here's how he told me he described it to the class,
'Well, I brought my logger truck. It has stabilizers and a claw. And it can grab really big logs. Everyone plays with toys in the summer.'
Huh? He lost me on the last part...he also told me that EVERYONE wanted it.
'Even Beatrice?' I asked.
"Oh, you mean the King of Bees?" he replied.


Uncle Jamie said...

Hugh's World is quite simply the best world.

hugh&arlo said...

Beautifully said...
I can't wait for Max's World. xopd.