Sunday, September 26, 2010

Street Fair :: Arlo Meets Fair Food

Street Fair :: Arlo Meets Fair Food

The day following the Carousel meeting, we attended another fair. The street variety, to be specific. It wasn't long until Arlo's mind was completely washed clear of the spinny-blinking-light-clatter-clatter-thingy, because his heart {and arteries..eeks} discovered a new love :: Street Fair Food. {As it turns out, you can't spell wAteRmeLOn without Arlo}He was all business...sausage and watermelon and cookie and pie business. Did he notice the giant caterpillar leading up to the sky? No he did not. Did he find the face painting of interest? No he did not. Did he want to boogie with the break dancers? No he did not. However, he did take one break...because our Arlo is never above taking breaks...he discovered a cardboard cut out of Captain Hook's face. With a half eaten sausage gripped in his hand, Arlo had a big fair-food-filled belly laugh peeking through the hole.And then it was back to perusing the food booths...looking and chewing and looking and chewing...ah, Street Fair Food + Arlo = True Dreamy Love.


Uncle Jamie said...

Is it just me or does Arlo have his "bad ass" look down pat. I mean seriously in the last picture it looks like he's just daring you to draw first.

hugh&arlo said...

whilst holding his sausage sword...xopd.

Ja'mum said...

Uncle Jamie - you crack me up. When are you gonna pay Albert Street a little visit???