Monday, September 13, 2010

Second Day

Oh sure, everyone knows the importance of the first day of school. But what about poor ol' Mr. Second Day. It gets nothing. All the hoopla and snapshots are tucked away by the time he arrives. So this morning, in recognition of the second day of school I whipped out my camera just as a plaid clad blur was tearing out the front door, practically tumbling down the porch steps, running as fast as his legs could carry him to greet the very one that I so foolishly thought was overlooked...jolly ol' Mr. Second Day.xo


Rebecca Hill said...

that captures the excitement so perfectly! well said and photo'd

Uncle Jamie said...

I agree Becky. That's so cool!!!

Ja'mum said...

Ahhhh! My favourite blog is back in da 'hood! Woot woot!!!

hugh&arlo said...

thank you. xopd.