Hugh's Snow Topping Recommendation #102 ::
Frozen Blueberries The creator's description...said through numb lips, "It's all so very cold."
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Joining Forces...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
9 months and a few days
Happy 9 months and a few days Arlo!
There have been too many wonderful happenings around these floors lately that we just couldn't wait until your 10 month celebration to report.
As we all know, you are now crawling. But what may not be appreciated is your new crawling speed. It doesn't appear terribly fast by just watching...but turn the back for one second and you have made it from here to there in light speed time. Say hello to our new friends, Baby Gates.And what about this business of pulling yourself up? Really? Crawling and now standing. Definitely worthy of a 9 month and a few days celebration!
And if that wasn't grew your first tooth! It's a lovely, sharp chomper. Just try not to chomp down on me so much...or at all would be fine. The wood block is a perfect alternative.
But wait...there's more: Crawling. Standing. Toothing. And tonight you had your first encounter with playdoh...made by yours truly...and...Ahem...sorry about the colour. Sludge-Mud-Puddle wasn't what I had in mind. Anyway, I could tell you liked it because when you really like something...and I mean REALLY like spread your big toe on your right foot far and wide. Proof. Sold proof of happiness.
Happy 9 months and a few days!
We are so proud of you, dear.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
It happened.
A giant, juicy pomegranate arrived at our house. My first course of action was wardrobe change. Arlo's threads were not screaming "I'm about to try a pomegranate for the first time ever!", so I dressed him in something designed exactly for this type of monumental occasion...Argyle. I carefully placed the fruit between his two shiny hands. "Arlo meet Pom."..."Pom meet Arlo."Hugh and I watched with giggling anticipation until we could not stand it any longer. We took the pomegranate straight to the cutting board. Our mouths watered as the red juice poured out.
Although I sensed a little apprehension in Arlo's expression, I carried on and harvested the plumpest seed I could find. My pincers carefully squeezed it into Arlo's trusting mouth.
Burst. Uh-Oh. The face.
I stood back and tried again. And I can I...oh alright, I was swatted away. The chubby hand pushed me away...hard. Our Arlo, The Lover Of All Things Food, denied the pomegranate.
After several more attempts met with several more swats and squawks, I threw in the pink stained towel.
Sweet Arlo, thank you for being such a good sport. We are so proud of you for trying something new. And we are especially appreciative for your patience towards this crazy lady we call...Mummy. We love you sticky face and all!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Good Enough
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Hugh's Door
Handmade wooden toys? No thanks.
Hand knit balls? Nope.
Hugh's door? Oh...sure, if you insist. Why I could spend ages here. Listen to the noise my chubby hand makes as it slaps against the 25 layers of paint. Watch how my squishy feet push the door to the wall and back? Isn't it wonderful...marvelous?!? Let's stay here allllllll day.xo
Monday, January 18, 2010
The Floor-bed
The floor-bed is our solution to soothe feelings of discomfort. Heaps of blankets and countless pillows all arranged on the floor just so as not to feel the wood below. And topping off this nest is a favourite quilt gently draped over one's troubled self. I remember my own floor-bed nestled next to my parents' bed on nights where nightmares got the better of me. David sought comfort with his floor-bed in his older brother James' room.Today's floor-bed is brought to you by Hugh. Strategically positioned next to the heat vent and 15 steps away from the closest toilet, Hugh's nest is doing its best to keep his body cozy as his stomach battles a most unfriendly bug.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
9 Months
Happy 9 Months Arlo!
Today I rushed to the grocery store to buy you a most beautiful pomegranate as this was going to be my gift to you on your 9 month celebration. I dreamt of the moment that I would crack it open...pull out a seed...and squeeze the juice into your baby bird mouth. You would smile with red stained lips and I would say, "Nature's candy Arlo. Welcome to 9 months".
I had rehearsed the moment in my head ever since the day Hugh and I sat on the counter popping seed after glorious pomegranate seed into our mouths. You looked terribly envious. But instead of just sharing the sweet nectar with you, I did what no mother of a second child normally does, I looked in one of our baby cookbooks first, to see if it was okay. It wasn't. It read: Pomegranate - 9 months.
But today, in the grocery store as I greeted all of pomegranate's friends: mango, star fruit and prickly pear, our fruit was missing. Perhaps it was on holiday...maybe ripening in the Garden of Paradise...but most definitely not lounging in the exotic fruit section of the produce aisle. My dear Arlo, I am afraid your taste buds will have to wait just a little while longer.
However, we didn't let this little bump knock us off our celebration path. Hugh and Miles created some incredible food-colouring art in honour of your day. You watched them from the window high-above in the warmth of Daddy's arms.
You reminded me of a king watching his court. And like royalty, you feasted upon the most delicious meals throughout the day. Lamb with pesto. Roasted potatoes with fresh herbs. Butternut squash soup. Avocado mashed with pears...and so on and so on...
And in the end, I would say you looked very, very pleased.
We love you Arlo.
Happy 9 Months.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Spies Eyes

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Today's Free Entertainment
Free Entertainment :: From cloud watching to chipping away at frozen toys in ice blocks {thanks Jazzy!} to eating bowls heaped with fresh snow {and maple syrup, of course!}, we embrace each Free Entertainment moment. And every time we are left a little happier, a little more creative and a whole lot richer!
Monday, January 11, 2010
I'm On Drill
Something remarkable took place in our old yellow brick house this afternoon. We are in the throes of our yearly itch called, "The Cabin Fever Clean Up", or better known this year as, "If I Have To Look At Those Lousy Kitchen Cabinets For One More Day I Might..." . Inspired by the installation of a dishwasher....although, remarkable in fact, please take a reflective pause on this statement...a moment of silence as we say farewell to our dishpan hands...actually, let's just repeat the sentence: Inspired by the installation of a dishwasher...we are repainting the kitchen cabinets. And for those who have ever taken on this arduous project, understand there is quite a bit of dismantling involved.
Hugh declared, "I'm on Drill."
As usual, I took in a yoga breath and said with a squeak, "Sure."
He took the drill from my hands and without instruction or hesitation removed every single screw and hinge from the cabinet doors. Hugh has taken the step from "helpful" to helpful.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
The World According To Hugh
"Okay. Okay. Okay. Here's how it {the world} all started. First, there were steam shovels...with lots of men. And then they all died. The steam shovels died. The men died. All of them. They died. Then came the dinosaurs. There was a huge fire and they died. But before the fire, there was a huge mining shovel that ate the dinosaurs. And then they died. Then the fire happened. And then the monkeys died. And then we came...yep, that's how it happened."
"That's right Mummy. The Monkeys. They died. And their fur died. And then we came."The World According To Hugh {with Arlo playing the role as The Destroyer of Steam Shovels}.