Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Growing Up

Hugh:: MOM! DAD! COME QUICK!!!!!
Us:: What is it Hugh? Are you okay?
Hugh:: Look!!! {pointing to his arm} Goooooood News! I'm strong now like Daddy. See?
Mummy:: Oh yes. Your muscles are so big!
Hugh:: NO! Not my muscles. LOOOOK.
Daddy:: {silence}
Mummy:: {silence}
Hugh:: Look! I have hair on my arms now. JUST. LIKE. DADDY! I'm strong!!
Us:: {bending down for a closer look...a little closer...a little closer...we spot one tiny questionable arm hair} Ah. Now we see. Wow...you really are growing up.
Hugh:: Yep. I know that already.

We forget sometimes Hugh won't be 3 forever...like when he's in the throes of a tantrum...or when he calls for us to play Builder in the middle of the night. Mysteriously, time stands painfully still during those moments. But then, he grows an arm hair. And suddenly I feel the urge to press the pause button on age 3. Sigh. It's undeniable, he and his arm hair are growing-up...really, really fast. xo


Ja'mum said...

Oh.mi.gaaawwwsh! I just about blew my cauliflower soup through my nose! Arm hair = strength! I love you, Hugh-be-doo!