Wednesday, July 8, 2009

12 Weeks

For some, adjusting to a vacation can be tricky. Perhaps it is the process of winding down that may be challenging...but for me, I have no problem. I can settle right in and shake my head 'Yes' for I know I am on holiday. However, it's entirely a different story when I return home. I'm frazzled. The house is turned upside down...I am at war with about a thousand fruit flies {who made themselves at home while we were away} and all the while I can only think of one safe place to be...Outside. Away from it all. Our own mini-holiday in the backyard.
So outside we did and we did it well. All day...outside. Procrastination can be a wonderful place to visit...especially in July.And to the fruit won this time...but tomorrow is another day.
Happy 12 Weeks Arlo.