It may seem from viewing the daily updates that our little Arlo sleeps a lot...well, yes he does. BUT when he is awake he sings and laughs...sings and laughs...sings and laughs...UNTIL he spies the camera. And all of sudden he stops everything and looks like this:"Arlo!" I plead, "Arlo please smile. Please show everyone your beautiful smile! Please?"
It was our mission today to make this happen...and after many shots...we got one.
May I introduce to you our very happy boy, Arlo:

Dear Arlo,
Please don't grow up too fast. You've only been away two weeks and I've already missed you rolling over, smiling, singing and laughing. I can't wait to see you again - you are too cute for words!
Love Aunt Bec Bec
Hey Hugh, that's a big swimming pool you have. Much nice than the one at the cottage.
Love Grandad
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