When the clock struck 12:00am I questioned my decision of a homemade costume. I had lost the thread and needle for the third time...my shoulders ached...my eyes were burning and the temptation to purchase a store made costume was overwhelming.
Besides, I thought, he's never going to wear it...
I was at my low point. sniff. sniff.
And then the wind began to blow...a second wind to be exact. My lost needle and thread found their way magically back in to my hands. And before I knew it {or an hour later} I was laying the completed costume on the dining room table. I stood back...squinted...rubbed my eyes...tilted my head sideways and squinted again...and in the poorly lit room, I felt like I had really achieved the unachievable: A Ghost Crane Excavator.But I didn't do it alone, a special thanks to Ja'Mum for sewing on the sleeves so that it didn't turn out like this:
and thank you for your creative input and deep knowledge of machine parts. And to my dear Hugh, thank you for putting the costume on with such ease and enthusiasm this morning. It made the long sleep deprived night well worth it!
I love you Ghost Crane Excavator much!
Alright Arlo, you're next!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The Dress Rehearsal
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
A Stocking Story
Cast On 66 stitches...or was it 72 stitches? Where on earth are my notes from Hugh's stocking? I made notes, right? I mean any proper knitter would make notes...oh excuse me, lump in my throat and panic feeling, you may leave now. I can do this...I can make the exact replica of Hugh's stocking for Arlo avoiding any stocking envy...
Resident Hugh Spencer reported from the top of the stairs tonight:
"Ivan's on the flo!"
"What?!? Hugh, who are you talking to? What happened?!?" I yelled back
"Ivan's on the flo, he fell!" sounding panicked
"Oh gosh!" I totally forgot I hid Ivan in among the linens in the guest room until his next "appearance". While getting the new sheets for our room, one armed with Arlo I must have knocked him loose and not noticed, stated fellow resident Daddy."I ran up the stairs to discover Hugh and Miles inspecting the accident scene. Not wanting to ruin their childhood I told the boys to wait outside while I checked Ivan. I remember closing the door and then manically scooping Ivan up and saying something loudly to the effect of:
'Ivan are you okay? Oh, you look fine.' Hoping to reassure the boys of Ivan's welfare. When I went to open the door and let the boys in the room - Ivan had been hidden in a drawer of the guest room dresser disappeared!"
Ahem, anyway as I was saying...I'm off to the land of knitting.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
It's time...
I am reflecting...okay, okay.
I am procrastinating. I am fully aware I have one stocking to knit and one costume to sew. {I thought boldfaced might make me more eager...didn't work}. I am also fully aware the dryer is done which means another load must begin. There are toys to be put away. There is a crusty bathroom to be cleaned...menus to be planned...etc. etc. But right now, it's procrastination time. After all, it is Friday night! And for most people this begins cocktail time, movie time, friend time, dinner time...not me, I am scrolling through old photos of Hugh. Reflecting on the days before he walked and talked. Marvelling upon his toothless grin and bald head...Until I came across this photoand it stopped me right in my procrastinating tracks. Do you see what I see? Baby Hugh is wearing a bib. A Bib. A bib, I tell you. AND he is eating some kind of clear food. Clear Food!
Oh Arlo. It's bib time my son. And while we're at it...find the poor child some clear food! Thank goodness I wasn't knitting, sewing or cleaning because I never would have discovered this tragic oversight at Arlo's mealtime. Yes, thank goodness for Friday nights...
Thursday, October 22, 2009
The Costume: Part I
August ::
Hugh: Mummy, guess what I am going as for Halloween?
Me: Wonderful. You're already thinking about it. That's great. What are you going to be?
Hugh: A Ghost Crane Excavator!!!!
{Huh? Long pause. Moments of panic from the one who must construct said costume}
Me: Sounds.....great.
{Surely if I don't ever bring this up again, he will forget. Yes. Good plan Mummy.}
September ::
Hugh: I can't WAIT for Halloween. I'm going to be the best Ghost Crane Excavator!
Mummy: {change the subject. change the subject.} What's Arlo doing?
The next week ::
Hugh: La-La, I am going as a Ghost Crane Excavator for Halloweeeeeeen!!!
La-La: Pardon me?
A few hours later ::
Hugh: MILES, Guess what? I. Am. Going. To. Be. A. Ghost. Crane. Exacavator.!!!!
Miles: Ooooh.
Every single day after ::
Ghost Crane Excavator. Ghost Crane Excavator.
I guess it's safe to say we know what Hugh will be for Halloween...or do we? Because what exactly IS a Ghost Crane Excavator, Hugh??
{this next part should be read completely out of breath while walking around in circles without any punctuation marks except for giant exclamations.}
Hugh: A Ghost Crane Excavator is an excavator on my arm with a real grappler attachment and hydraulics and a crane coming out of my head with another attachment and caterpillar treads on my shoes and my arm will be able to pick up things with my grappler and my crane will pick up things too and and and and!!!!!!!
Me: Perhaps we should sketch some ideas?
Hugh: Oh Sure. I'd love to...I can do that.Me: help.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
P Part II
And today, P is for:
Peg {and Arlo} in PursuitPlump Piggies Pushing Persimmons
Player Piano Player
Porch Party {with Pumpkin seeds, Pomengranate seeds and Persimmon Pudding}
Polarn O. Pvret {Peruse here}
Patiently Practicing
Phinally Phinished.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The letter P was so Popular, we will Proceed with it tomorrow. Plus, after reviewing the Photos...I realized there is one Ahem very Ahem important P missing.
However, for today the letter P is for:
Precise PreparationsPair of Pumpkins
Picnicking with Perrier {apparently also with dirty fingernails.}
Pomegranate Pieces
and lastly, the letter P is for Peculiar Prune Pouts
We'll Pick it up again tomorrow.
Until then...
Monday, October 19, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Guest Starring Hugh??
Hugh and Miles play a new game together. Unfortunately, I wasn't in earshot when the game was conceptualized, however from what I gather, the creator is obvious. The boys call the game, "Hugh". With a roll of the eyes, I call it, "Oh brother".
Here's how it is played:
Miles: Hugh, Hugh. Let's play Hugh.
Hugh: Okay Miles.
Miles: No, no, no, no. I'm Hugh, remember?
Hugh: Oh yeah. Sorry Hugh.
Miles: That's okay Hugh.
Hugh: Hugh would like to build a construction site.
Miles: Sure Hugh. That's a good idea.
Hugh: Thanks Hugh.
Miles: You're welcome Hugh....
And so on and so forth in this manner and the only rule thus far...don't call Miles, Miles.
What I find most curious is that Miles is very keen to play "Hugh". In fact, when Hugh tried to switch things around a little and asked Miles to call him, "Miles", Hugh {the real Hugh that is...Yowsers, I'm getting confused} was emphatically shut down. Very curious indeed...I guess it's just that much fun to be Hugh!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
6 Months :: Greatest Hits Part 1
Happy 6 Months Arlo!
Month 0Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
Month 5
Thank you for your love and laughter. Thank you for your shiny cheeks and chubby middle. Thank you for your sparkly eyes and slobbery kisses. Thank you for pulling Hugh's hair {He'd like you to know this is one of his favourite things about you...don't ask me...he's your brother.} Thank you for falling asleep on your own. Thank you for staying asleep. Thank you for eating prunes. Thank you for sitting still. Thank you for curling your left foot every time you chew on something. {This is one of my favourite things about you...it completely fascinates me.} Thank you for giggling when you toot. {This is one of Daddy's favourite things about you...that, and warm snuggles.} And most of all, we thank you for YOU!
We love you Arlo!
Happy 6 Months.{Daddy, Mummy & Hugh :: age 6 months}
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Patch vs. Maze
At the pumpkin patch today, we arrived at two conclusions ::
1. Picking out pumpkins in the cold wind is mildly miserable.2. Finding a corn maze next to the pumpkin patch is simply marvelous. Not only are you shielded from the wind...
but it's also the ideal place to perform your best cornstalk impersonation.
And you never know what you'll find. Oh sure, there's corn...
but what about a scarecrow sitting on a bench?
Or a play gym with a slide?
How about a bridge?
Patch, you gave us a few nice pumpkins...but this year, we choose Maze!
{Did you spy Hugh in the shot above?}