Sunday, October 11, 2009

RUN Aunt Eleanor RUN!

In honour of Aunt Eleanor running the Chicago Marathon today, we decided to host our own race...perhaps slightly smaller than the Windy City's but certainly just as remarkable. After minutes of training, our fearless athletes: Hugh the Mighty Machine and Hank the Bucking Bronco took their starting positions. The crowd person watching waited in shivering anticipation for the marathon to begin. Would our runners be able to see their way through watery eyes and runny noses? Would Hank's toque fall over his face blinding him from the finish? Would Hugh's pink Crocs and flashlight carry him the distance of 26.2 feet? It was hard telling my friends...hard tellin'.After a very dramatic countdown and an impressive fake buzzer sound, the boys were off!
"RUN Hugh RUN!"
"RUN Hank RUN!", shouted the spectator.At the 15 feet mark, each boy needed a quick water break and then continued on their way to cross the finish line!The judge's cold breath got in the way to actually see who it was only fair to award both boys 1st place!Congratulations Aunt Eleanor! We are so tremendously proud of you!!!
Probably safe to say now...the letter M is complete!


Rebecca Hill said...

thank you for the medal and badge - hank is very proud of them!