Hugh, Honnie and Sweedie made their first jump into sprinkler season on this hot afternoon. It's happening...a tiny peek into the sizzling days that lie ahead...and from this view, I'd have to's going to be a whole lot of fun!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Cool Down
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Good Day
Once upon a time I measured a good day as...
"And I hit every green light on the way home."
"I turned on the radio and playing was my favourite song!"
"I opened the referigator and we had butter!"Once upon a child I measured a good day as...
"They ate 3 out of the 10 meals we made!"
"Yep. They both had great poops!!"
"I opened up the referigator and we had butter!"
Such a good day today...thanks Hugh & Arlo!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Save Your Fork...
Hugh had an idea. A most delicious, sweet and sticky idea.
"How about Ice Cream Pizza?" he suggested as our sweet-teeth were itching for afternoon inspiration. So we called on Hank who stood by as we made a giant cookie and smothered it in ice cream. Topped with a few thousand sprinkles, we had ourselves a slightly frightening yet impressive treat. Ice Cream Pizza.
Monday, April 26, 2010
The Soloist
This morning....accompanied by a real live pianist, Hugh performed a violin solo in front of a real live audience! Standing up on stage alone is surely brave enough...but to then hold a violin AND play it, is more than this proud mummy can possibly wrap her head around. Although I will never perm Hugh's hair or don him in false eyelashes {well...maybe I'll do that one}, I did feel a little stage mom-ish when the adjudicator handed him his first place ribbon.
"Woo-Hoo!!" I hollered, "We did did it!"Way to go Hugh! We are so proud of you!
Now what did I do with those those false eyelashes...and that red lipstick?
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Happy Earth Day
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Do you know I get weepy every time my parents leave to go home? It's true. And perhaps a little pathetic. I might mention they live really far away...really...really far away. However, I thought teary farewells were saved for babies and young children. But when it's goodbye time around here, my stomach starts to hurt, my eyes begin to prickle and my heart races. I call it, The Waterworks.
"Don't do it Peg. Don't do it. Stay strong. For goodness sakes you're an adult. You're a mother. Come on...Don't do it!" I beg to myself as the tears begin streaming down my cheeks.I wonder if Hugh and Arlo will feel the same one day about me? Oh wait. Silly. I forgot. My plan is to live with them forever and ever and ever and ever!!! They'll LOVE that! I'll never leave. Ah...what a great idea.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Happy 1st Birthday Arlo!
Dearest Arlo,
Happy 365 days. Happy 12 months. Happy 1 year!
One year ago today, our midwife placed your toasty body into my arms. I held you tight and kissed your face. You were very sleepy and didn't open your eyes for about....two months. I didn't mind. I loved your calm nature. You were fat. You were happy. And after a few minutes passed by, I discovered you were delicious!
And now 365 days later, you have made your own delicious discovery...bacon. During your birthday breakfast, you left the gifts for Hugh to tend to while you watched and chewed on your salty new friend.You spent a peaceful afternoon...napping...eating...playing in the dirt...and gearing up for your cupcake fest in the evening. We called on friends and family to sing Happy Birthday to you really loudly...and this made you ever so pleased.
Happy Birthday sweet, sweet Arlo. We love, love, love you!
A year of Arlo
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Going Pro
You see, something was missing on opening day on top of big hill.
Did you notice?
Uncle Jamie did!Two perfectly wrapped boxes arrived in the mail today. One for Hugh....the other for cousin Hank. We anxiously carried the presents to big hill for an unwrapping ceremony which lasted....
one second. Bits of wrapping paper flew in the wind. Their tiny fingers scraped and tugged on the box until it opened....revealing two identical, dark blue {important detail as it is Hugh and Hank's shared favourite colour}, official....
Toronto Blue Jays baseball caps.
"Play Ballllllllll!!!" they shouted. And before anyone could cut the hang tags off their caps...they grabbed their gloves, bat and ball....and scored a home run!
Baseball never looked so good!
Thank you Uncle Jamie.
Your thoughtfulness...your attention to detail...and your deep understanding of two budding baseball players needs is very, very much appreciated. As you know...most sports are often lost on Hugh & Arlo's parents! How lucky the boys are to have such a knowing uncle! We love you...
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Better Than Santa
Monday, April 12, 2010
Dirty Nails and All
Sometimes I long to be the kind of mummy who keeps her nails pristine and pink. But then how would I find the time to build dirt highways, dig for worms and excavate treasures from the garden? I know there are plenty of mothers who can do both...and I strive to be her someday. But for now, my dirty nails and I will carry on proudly as we wobble in the grass holding on to one chubby hand.xo
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Arlo's Party 1 of 2
Arlo began his 1st birthday warm-up party today! You know us...we celebrate birthdays before, day of and after. Quite simply said, we love the cake. Besides, it's important to get a good handle on how to open the presents...what octave to sing Happy Birthday in...and when to blow out the candle. These things take precision and practice. We want Arlo to feel comfortable so that by the time Thursday rolls around he'll be well prepared.
Just doing our part...
Friday, April 9, 2010
Field Trip
I love a field trip. For me, it evokes feelings of freedom, discovery and group fun. I even like to use 'field trip' to describe mundane errands...
Anyone want to go on a field trip to the grocery store?
I'm going to the dump, care to take a field trip with me?So when Hugh's school announced they were taking a field trip...well, I'm sure you can guess who was first in line! Literally actually, as I didn't quite read the permission slip correctly and brought us to our destination an hour early. No bother...just teaching our son the art of enthusiasm. And boy-oh-boy, our school did not disappoint. Wagon ride, sugar bush tour, green house picnic and farm animals galore. Weeeeee!
Yes, nothing like a field fact, I think I'll go on one right now...straight to my bed.
Happy Weekend.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
April Showers
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Day 358
There it is...just around the corner. I can practically taste the cake...see the decorations...hear the singing...and feel the love of family and friends celebrating Arlo's first birthday!
While I have been working away on Arlo's...Ahem...birthday shorts, Hugh has been putting the finishing touches on a birthday book...titled, HahaHahaHahaHahaHahaha.And what has Arlo been doing during his celebration countdown?
Keeping it cool...real cool.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Play Ball!
Opening day on big hill proved that we are in for a thrilling season of baseball! The uniforms combined with fancy equipment and homespun rules were colourful, coordinated and crazy!
With Hank on bat, Hugh threw in the first pitch. Strike.
"Your turn to bat Hugh!" said Hank.
"No. No. MY TURN!!!! I want to wear the glove!!!!" screamed Hank.
Hugh on bat, Hank threw in the second pitch of the game. Ball One?
"MY TURN TO WEAR THE GLOVE!" screamed Hugh.
Hank on bat, Hugh threw in the third pitch. A Hit...sort of. Hank chucked the bat and ran passed the pitcher, tumbled down the hill, ran around the hill, then up the hill, around the tree, down the hill again...
"Hank? HANK? Are you alright? Where are you going?" we called out.
"It's a home run!" he rejoiced.
Score :: Hank - 1 , Hugh - 0
Hugh on bat, Hank threw in the fourth pitch of the game. Strike. Hugh ditched the bat and ran. So did Hank. Splashing through mud, down the hill, around the hill, over each other...
"Boys?" I called.
"It's a home runnnnnn!" they screamed breathlessly through laughter.You two can take me out to the ball game any old day!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Good Health
After 5 weeks of living under a dark cloud of sickness, our little/big Arlo is back! His sparkly eyes. His six toothed grin. His clear breaths. Everything...all of it. He's back.And along with his healthy return, we also welcomed our old friends, Honnie and Sweedie. Strangely, they made an appearance today in the middle of a toy store. Even more was their birthdays.
"We have to buy them a toy!!! It's their birthday!!", exclaimed Hugh.
Yup. All is back to normal around here...we are officially well again!